Lessons from COVID-19-free Vanuatu: intensive health operations for Phase 1 of repatriation and quarantine, May–July 2020


  • Posikai Samuel Tapo Vanuatu Ministry of Health, Port-Vila, Vanuatu
  • Tessa B Knox Vanuatu Country Liaison Office, World Health Organization, Port-Vila, Vanuatu
  • Caroline van Gemert Vanuatu Health Program, Port-Vila, Vanuatu; School of Population and Global Health, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia; Burnet Institute, Melbourne, Australia
  • Obed Manwo Vanuatu Ministry of Health, Port-Vila, Vanuatu
  • Edna Iavro Vanuatu Ministry of Health, Port-Vila, Vanuatu
  • Wendy Williams Vanuatu Ministry of Health, Port-Vila, Vanuatu
  • Rosaria Maurice Vanuatu Ministry of Health, Port-Vila, Vanuatu
  • Griffith Harrison Vanuatu Country Liaison Office, World Health Organization, Port-Vila, Vanuatu
  • Matthew Cornish Vanuatu Health Program, Port-Vila, Vanuatu
  • Michael Benjamin Vanuatu Health Program, Port-Vila, Vanuatu
  • Vincent Atua Vanuatu Ministry of Health, Port-Vila, Vanuatu
  • Jimmy Obed Vanuatu Ministry of Health, Port-Vila, Vanuatu
  • Geoff Clark Vanuatu Health Program, Port-Vila, Vanuatu
  • Philippe Guyant Vanuatu Country Liaison Office, World Health Organization, Port-Vila, Vanuatu
  • Basil Leodoro Vanuatu Country Liaison Office, World Health Organization, Port-Vila, Vanuatu
  • Len Tarivonda Vanuatu Ministry of Health, Port-Vila, Vanuatu




International borders to Vanuatu closed on 23 March 2020 due to the global COVID-19 pandemic. In May–July 2020, the Government of Vanuatu focused on the safe and timely return of citizens and residents while ensuring Vanuatu remained COVID-19 free. Under Phase 1 of repatriation, between 27 May and 23 June 2020, 1522 people arrived in the capital, Port Vila, and were placed in compulsory government-mandated 14-day quarantine in 15 hotels. Pre-arrival health operations included collection of repatriate information, quarantine facility assessments, training for personnel supporting the process, and tabletop and functional exercises with live scenario simulations. During quarantine, health monitoring, mental health assessments and psychosocial support were provided. All repatriates completed 14 days of quarantine. One person developed symptoms consistent with COVID-19 during quarantine but tested negative. Overall health operations were considered a success despite logistical and resource challenges.

Lessons learnt were documented during a health sector after-action review held on 22 July 2020. Key recommendations for improvement were to obtain timely receipt of repatriate information before travel, limit the number of repatriates received and avoid the mixing of “travel cohorts”, ensure sufficient human resources are available to support operations while maintaining other essential services, establish a command and control structure for health operations, develop training packages and deliver them to all personnel supporting operations, and coordinate better with other sectors to ensure health aspects are considered. These recommendations were applied to further improve health operations for subsequent repatriation and quarantine, with Phase 2 commencing on 1 August 2020.


World Health Organization. 2020a. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Situation Report 194 (01 August 2020).

World Health Organization. 2020b. Surveillance strategies for COVID-19 human infection (10 May 2020).

Vanuatu Health Technical Advisory Group. 2020. Recommendations on measures to prevent, contain and respond to COVID-19 in Vanuatu, version 5.1 (21 July 2020).




How to Cite

Tapo PS, Knox TB, van Gemert C, Manwo O, Iavro E, Williams W, Maurice R, Harrison G, Cornish M, Benjamin M, Atua V, Obed J, Clark G, Guyant P, Leodoro B, Tarivonda L. Lessons from COVID-19-free Vanuatu: intensive health operations for Phase 1 of repatriation and quarantine, May–July 2020. Western Pac Surveill Response J [Internet]. 2021 Mar. 10 [cited 2025 Feb. 12];12(1):8. Available from: https://ojs.wpro.who.int/ojs/index.php/wpsar/article/view/830



COVID-19: Lessons from the Field


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