Epidemiology of tuberculosis in Papua New Guinea: analysis of case notification and treatment-outcome data, 2008–2016


  • Paul Aia National Department of Health, Papua New Guinea
  • Lungten Zangmo Wangchuk World Health Organization Representative Office for Papua New Guinea
  • Fukushi Morishita World Health Organization Regional Office for the Western Pacific
  • Jacob Kisomb National Department of Health, Papua New Guinea
  • Robin Yasi National Department of Health, Papua New Guinea
  • Margaret Kal National Department of Health, Papua New Guinea
  • Tauhid A.b.m Islam World Health Organization Representative Office for Papua New Guinea




Papua New Guinea has strengthened its surveillance system for tuberculosis (TB) under the National TB Program. This paper provides an overview of TB surveillance data at the national and subnational levels from 2008 to 2016.

TB case notification has consistently increased since 2008 with 6184 cases (93 per 100 000 population) in 2008 to 28 598 (359 per 100 000 population) in 2014 and has stabilized since 2014 with 28 244 cases (333 per 100 000 population) in 2016. The population-screening rate for TB rose from 0.1% in 2008 to 0.4% in 2016. Notified cases were dominated by extra-pulmonary TB (EP-TB, 42.4% of all cases in 2016). The proportion of pulmonary TB cases with no sputum test results was high with a national average of 26.6%. The regional variation of case notifications was significant: the Southern Region had the highest number and rate of notified TB cases. Of the nationally reported cases, 26.7% occurred in children. Treatment success rates remained low at 73% for bacteriologically confirmed TB and 64% for all forms of TB in 2016, far below the global target of 90%. For all forms of TB, 19% of patients were lost to follow-up from treatment.

An analysis of TB data from the national surveillance system has highlighted critical areas for improvement. A low population-screening rate, a high proportion of pulmonary TB cases without sputum test results and a low treatment success rate suggest areas for improvement in the National TB Program. Our additional subnational analysis helps identify geographical and programmatic areas that need strengthening and should be further promoted to guide the programme’s direction in Papua New Guinea.

Author Biographies

Paul Aia, National Department of Health, Papua New Guinea

National TB Programme Manager

National Department of Health,

Papua New Guinea

Lungten Zangmo Wangchuk, World Health Organization Representative Office for Papua New Guinea

Medical Officer


World Health Organization Representative Office for Papua New Guinea


Fukushi Morishita, World Health Organization Regional Office for the Western Pacific

Technical Officer

World Health Organization Regional Office for the Western Pacific

Jacob Kisomb, National Department of Health, Papua New Guinea

Medical Officer, National TB Programme 

National Department of Health,

Papua New Guinea

Robin Yasi, National Department of Health, Papua New Guinea

Medical Officer, National TB Programme 

National Department of Health,

Papua New Guinea

Margaret Kal, National Department of Health, Papua New Guinea

Medical Officer, National TB Programme 

National Department of Health,

Papua New Guinea

Tauhid A.b.m Islam, World Health Organization Representative Office for Papua New Guinea

Medical Officer


World Health Organization Representative Office for Papua New Guinea


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How to Cite

Aia P, Wangchuk LZ, Morishita F, Kisomb J, Yasi R, Kal M, Islam TA. Epidemiology of tuberculosis in Papua New Guinea: analysis of case notification and treatment-outcome data, 2008–2016. Western Pac Surveill Response J [Internet]. 2018 Jul. 4 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];9(2). Available from: https://ojs.wpro.who.int/ojs/index.php/wpsar/article/view/601



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