Use of movement restrictions during an outbreak of COVID-19 in Selangor, Malaysia


  • Anita Suleiman Disease Control Division, Ministry of Health, Malaysia
  • Shaari Ngadiman Selangor State Health Department, Ministry of Health, Malaysia
  • Mazliza Ramly Disease Control Division, Ministry of Health, Malaysia
  • Ahmad Faudzi Yusoff Institute for Medical Research, Ministry of Health, Malaysia
  • Mohamed Paid Yusof Petaling District Health Office, Ministry of Health, Malaysia



Objective: Various public health and social measures have been used during the COVID-19 outbreak, including lockdowns, contact-tracing, isolation and quarantine. The objective of this manuscript is to describe outbreaks of COVID-19 in Selangor, Malaysia, the public health strategies used and the observed impact of the measures on the epidemic curve.

Methods: Information on all confirmed COVID-19 cases in Selangor between 25 January and 28 April 2020 was obtained. Clusters were identified, and cases were disaggregated into linked, unlinked and imported cases. Epidemic curves were constructed, and the timing of movement control orders was compared with the numbers of cases reported.

Results: During the study period, 1395 confirmed COVID-19 cases were reported to the Selangor Health Department, of which 15.8% were imported, 79.5% were linked and 4.7% were unlinked cases. For two main clusters, the number of cases decreased after control measures were instituted, by contact-tracing followed by isolation and home quarantine for the first cluster (n = 126), and with the addition of the movement control order for the second, much larger cluster (n = 559).

Discussion: The findings suggest that appropriate, timely public health interventions and movement control measures have a synergistic effect on controlling COVID-19 outbreaks.


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How to Cite

Suleiman A, Ngadiman S, Ramly M, Yusoff AF, Yusof MP. Use of movement restrictions during an outbreak of COVID-19 in Selangor, Malaysia. Western Pac Surveill Response J [Internet]. 2021 Jun. 22 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];12(2):6. Available from:



COVID-19: Outbreak Investigation Report


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