Mongolia Red Cross Society, influenza preparedness planning and the response to COVID-19: the case for investing in epidemic preparedness


  • Lisa Natoli Australian Red Cross, Melbourne, Australia
  • Narangoo Gaysuren Mongolian Red Cross Society, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
  • Densmaa Odkhuu Mongolian Red Cross Society, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
  • Veronica Bell Australian Red Cross, Melbourne, Australia



Influenza preparedness planning by Mongolia Red Cross Society in 2019 has provided a strong foundation for engagement with COVID-19 preparedness and response. The experience underscores the importance and value of investing in epidemic preparedness, and the importance of doing so well in advance of disease outbreaks.


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How to Cite

Natoli L, Gaysuren N, Odkhuu D, Bell V. Mongolia Red Cross Society, influenza preparedness planning and the response to COVID-19: the case for investing in epidemic preparedness. Western Pac Surveill Response J [Internet]. 2020 Nov. 13 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];11(4):2. Available from:



COVID-19: Perspective
