About the Journal

2023 Impact Factor: 1.0
5-year Impact Factor: 1.1
2023 CiteScore: 1.7

Information for public health action

Founded in 2010, the Western Pacific Surveillance and Response journal (WPSAR) is an open access, peer-reviewed journal on all aspects of health security in response to public health events and emergencies in the Western Pacific Region. WPSAR publishes work on acute or ongoing communicable diseases, emerging infectious diseases, natural disasters, food safety, bioterrorism, and chemical and radiological events.

  • To SUBMIT your manuscript, register here and follow the prompts.
  • To become a REVIEWER, register here and select 'Yes I would like to be contacted with requests to review submissions to this journal' before registering. Please fill out the "Reviewing interests" field for your profile to appear in the editor's search for reviewers.
  • To SUBSCRIBE, register here and select 'Yes, I would like to be notified of new publications and announcements' before registering.

For all enquiries, please contact us at wpsar@who.int

Webinar series on scientific publishing

WPSAR partnered with TEPHINET to present a webinar series, Scientific Publishing for Field Epidemiologists, to celebrate the inaugural World Field Epidemiology Day on 7 September 2021. The webinar series is available as a playlist on the TEPHINET Secretariat YouTube channel. The four sessions are:

  • Session 1: Converting Your Field Epidemiology Work Into a Publishable Article 
  • Session 2: Preparing Your Manuscript for Submission 
  • Session 3: Addressing Reviewer Feedback on Your Manuscript 
  • Session 4: Being a Good Reviewer

Recently Published

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Hepatitis A outbreak among men who have sex with men, Shinjuku, Japan, 2018
Mariya Itaki, Masayuki Endo, Hiroyuki Asakura, Mami Nagashima, Yoshiko Somura, Aki Takahashi, Aya Kayebeta, Ikumi Takahashi, Yuichiro Yahata

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Estimating the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on infectious disease notifications in Klang district, Malaysia, 2020–2022
Vivek Jason Jayaraj, Diane Woei-Quan Chong, Faridah Binti Jafri, Nur Adibah Binti Mat Saruan, Gurpreet Kaur Karpal Singh, Ravinkanth Perumal, Shakirah Binti Jamaludin, Juvina Binti Mohd Janurudin, Siti Rohana Binti Saad

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Monitoring mortality in the setting of COVID-19 pandemic control in Victoria, Australia: a time series analysis of population data
Lalitha Sundaresan, Sheena G Sullivan, David J Muscatello, Daneeta Hennessy, Stacey L Rowe

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Sociobehavioural factors associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness against medically attended, symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection in the Philippines: a prospective case-control study (FASCINATE-P study)
Takeshi Arashiro, Regina Pascua Berba, Joy Potenciano Calayo, Marie Kris, Reby Marie Garcia, Shuichi Suzuki, Cecile Dungog, Jonathan Rivera, Greco Mark Malijan, Kristal An Agrupis, Mary Jane Salazar, Mary Ann Salazar, Jinho Shin, Martin Hibberd, Koya Ariyoshi, Chris Smith

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Implementation of maternal death audits and changes in maternal health care in Cambodia, 2010–2017
Rathavy Tung, Rattana Kim, Matthews Mathai, Kannitha Cheang, Howard L Sobel



Current Issue

Vol. 16 No. 1 (2025): January – March
Published: 15-01-2025

Original Research

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